Is Depression or dysregulated Mood Interfering with your capacity to Thrive?
Sadness is a natural response to some of life’s struggles. However, when the experience of overwhelming sadness, hopelessness and despair persist over time, you may be struggling with Depression.
Depression hurts. You may feel alone and wonder if anyone around you notices or understands the magnitude of how Low you feel. You may experience challenges in motivation, feelings of low-worth, struggle with concentration and experience interruptions in sleep or appetite. When mood and motivation are at their low, you may find that you are distancing yourself from the ones you love, feeling irritable and encounter unexplained body aches or pains.
Please Realize that you are not alone.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 40 million people in the United States are affected by depression each year.
The causes of depression vary and may include a chemical dysregulation in the brain or stressful life events, such as loss and major transitions. Symptoms of varying degree can cause significant distress and interfere with daily functioning.
The common types of depression I treat in my practice are:
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
Persistent depressive disorder
Postpartum depression (PPD)
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Bipolar Depression (Types I and II)
How I treat Depression so you can Thrive again?
Research repeatedly finds that the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the gold standard treatment for Depression and dysregulated mood. My advanced experience and Certification in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy support our collaboration to tailor a personalized treatment plan for your depression.
For individuals experiencing the unique features of Bipolar Depression, a customized treatment plan will account for managing depressive as well as manic symptoms.
For women struggling with Postpartum Depression following the birth of their baby, treatment is comprised of evidence-based methods to heal and thrive during this period.
How Does CBT Help with Depression?
The methods is based on the premise that our thoughts and beliefs create and inflate emotional distress such as deep sadness. When depressed, it is not uncommon for our thoughts to be skewed and lack a rational basis:
A skilled writer convinces himself that the presentation he submitted to his work team is awful.
A new mom believes that she is just not good enough to take care of her newborn.
A person self-narrates that they are never going to find love.
When our beliefs lack validity, the emotional experience of depression is likely to persist or become enhanced; this can quickly lead to behaviors that are not conducive to overall wellness.
Cognitive Methods help reshape Depressive Thinking Patterns
In our work together, we will help identify the inner-stories and deep-rooted beliefs that are hampering your capacity to feel well. Collaboratively, we will support you in uncovering maladaptive thought patterns and to restructure them. Newer, healthier narratives will be practiced so that they ultimately become automatic and more conducive to your emotional wellness.
Behavioral Methods help Improve Energy & Motivation
Behavioral activation is a treatment for depression that has been found to be very effective, even for individuals who have not had success with other methods. The behavioral activation model suggests that negative life events such as daily stressors, trauma or a genetic predisposition to depression can lead to a person having too little positive reinforcement. Additionally, a person might turn to unhealthy behaviors—social withdrawal, substance use, procrastinating tasks, etc.--in an attempt to avoid negative feelings. These behaviors provide temporary relief, but ultimately result in more negative outcomes, and worsening depression. Throughout our work together you will be guided to engage in behavioral activation as a means of overcoming depression.
My Depression Expertise:
With over 20 years of specialty and Certification in Depression Treatment, I have gained a seasoned expertise in treating Adolescents and Adults burdened by dysregulated mood. I bring my extensive training and specialized practice to our collaborative process and use an array of Research-based methods to help you manage dysregulated mood, cope more effectively and thrive. Specialized Treatment is personalized to your needs and includes my use of:
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy REBT
Behavioral Activation BA
Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT
Mindfulness-based CBT
Radical Acceptance
Depression does not have to hamper your quality of life. Let’s explore how working together can help you attain relief, acquire long-lasting coping strategies and support you to THRIVE.